About Me

We just want you all to know... especially you BITCHES (which yes refers to all women, except our moms) that we pledge to keep it as real as possible. This site is written by a collection of 10 of the gnarliest guys you've ever seen from both coasts. It is intended to provide advice to men on dealing with women, and advice to women on when to shut the fuck up and how to dress and how to groom your sausage wallets, etc... If you don't like what we say, suck the warts off Oren's dick, and bathe in our ball temperature jizz... no homo... no emo

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ode to Molly

Why Do I Love a Drug That Makes Girls Think I'm Impotent????

I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl. I will not take molly the first night I'm gunna fuck a girl.

Wait a second, bitch, that was your fault! - - I'm hard I'm ready to fuck, my super sweet playlist is playin, I only got the shaded lamp on, I'm holding in my farts... the mood is set.

And you - - you heartless bitch, you take a key full of molly and put it up to my nose after you just took one, you think I'm gunna turn down my favorite drug whilst hammered drunk and completely vulnerable to temptation and now peer pressured into something I already wanted to do???

I couldn't come in the morning or afternoon either, cuz you made me blow that shit right as we're going to bed and I'm rolling when I wake up.

Then the next night is a show, so of course I gotta roll that night, I only planned it for a month.

So I can't cum 2 days in a row. That doesn't mean I can't cum bitch, that means you need to stop being one of the Sirens from Homer's Odyssey.
Maybe it's not the molly tho, maybe your pussy has the sensation of fucking a wet plastic bag.

It's probably the molly.

God Damnit.

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