We all know how in Colorado there is the 16 and 6 statute, which illustrates that it is legal for a man to have sex with a 16 year old girl as long as he is no more than 6 years her senior, but did you know that it technically doesn't count as rape if it's in the morning?
It is perfectly legal to forcibly penetrate a member of the opposite sex if it is between 7:30 and 11:30am.
If it's 11:26 you better cum quick!
Also, in the state of Florida, if you are wearing a condom, it is illegal to cum in the reservoir tip. You mustn't waste your lively sperm in some rubbery grave, you are bound by law to cum somewhere on your partner's body.
In Germany, whilst fucking a female, one must German boss his partner. This is when the man takes his thumb and "corks" the woman's anus whilst keeping his other fingers straight and twisting left and right. Also known as the windshield wiper, Gorilla Grip, and the Siskel and Ebert.
I'll research some more strange fun fact fuck laws and get back to y'all.