About Me

We just want you all to know... especially you BITCHES (which yes refers to all women, except our moms) that we pledge to keep it as real as possible. This site is written by a collection of 10 of the gnarliest guys you've ever seen from both coasts. It is intended to provide advice to men on dealing with women, and advice to women on when to shut the fuck up and how to dress and how to groom your sausage wallets, etc... If you don't like what we say, suck the warts off Oren's dick, and bathe in our ball temperature jizz... no homo... no emo

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Girls and How to (man)Handle Them

When a girl challenges you mentally, challenge her physically.

If a girl is mentally challenged, abuse her sexually.

Widely Unknown Sex Regulations

We all know how in Colorado there is the 16 and 6 statute, which illustrates that it is legal for a man to have sex with a 16 year old girl as long as he is no more than 6 years her senior, but did you know that it technically doesn't count as rape if it's in the morning?


It is perfectly legal to forcibly penetrate a member of the opposite sex if it is between 7:30 and 11:30am.
If it's 11:26 you better cum quick!

Also, in the state of Florida, if you are wearing a condom, it is illegal to cum in the reservoir tip. You mustn't waste your lively sperm in some rubbery grave, you are bound by law to cum somewhere on your partner's body.

In Germany, whilst fucking a female, one must German boss his partner. This is when the man takes his thumb and "corks" the woman's anus whilst keeping his other fingers straight and twisting left and right. Also known as the windshield wiper, Gorilla Grip, and the Siskel and Ebert.

I'll research some more strange fun fact fuck laws and get back to y'all.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Myth of the Tantric Condom

Tired of using condoms?
Scared of STDs?
Spend the next decade learning tantric sex!

Learn to harness the magic ancient Indian (dot, not feather) art of giving her more pleasure and all that other useless crap, but at the sametime you can harness your own chi power to prevent STDs with the mythical CHI CONDOM.

It's a forcefield of energy around your cock, you can't see it, or feel it, but trust us, it's there, and you're safe from AIDS.

Also, as a sidenote, if you don't wanna do all that fruitless labor, hate condoms, are only worried about herpes, and you want results quick: Use Herpe cream as lube and pop a valtrex before sex.

Trust us, it will work, which is why we offer a herpes back guarantee.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Periods Speak Louder Than Words

I finally figured out why you stop having sex with me and give me "the talk" every so often. Ya I know you want something more than I do out of this and I try to be understanding, but let's be honest bitch, you only give me these talks when I'm not relentlessly stuffing you like a chilè relleño. AND THE ONLY TIME YOU GIVE ME SHIT IS WHEN COAGULATED BLOOD IS SEEPING OUT OF YOUR SAUSAGE SLIT.

Bitches don't get emo on their periods cuz of PMS, they get emo cuz they can't get fucked and when bitches aren't getting fucked all they can do is get emo.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Anatomy of a guy's cock (no homo)

There is officially no clitoris or g-spot on the inside of my dick.

SO STOP TRYING TO TONGUE-FUCK MY PEE-HOLE and FINGERBANG my urethra, ya god damn bitch

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mono - The 8th Grade STD

Let's face it, 90% of you sickos that had mono in 8th grade have some gnarly shit growin on ur genitalia nowadays.